
I am delighted and honored to be featured in ‘Passion Vista, Luxury, Lifestyle and Business Magazine’ as one of the 50 most Diverse, Iconic, and Established Visionaries. I feel blessed to share the space with 50 ‘Most Admired Global Indians 2021’ across the globe, who are illustrious individuals (of Indian origin) in global business, celebrities, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, professionals, socialites, and more from different walks of life.
A fantastic virtual Award Ceremony was held on the Global stage on 25th January 2022 on Passion Vista’s 3rd Anniversary.
Thank you very much, Passion Vista, for recognizing my passion, dedication, contribution; this is one of the most significant achievements of my career. My journey has been extremely fulfilling with immense collaboration, strong bond with my team, management, stakeholders, and my family; it is not just a success story but a travelogue with my colleagues over the professional years. I would sincerely like to dedicate this award to you all with my deepest gratitude.
Heartiest congratulations to all the winners and to Passion Vista for their brilliant contribution to society. Let’s continue to build a better future for everyone!
3AI congratulates Aruna Pattam, Head AI & Data Science- Asia Pacific & Middle East Region, HCL Technologies being recognized as the winner of #3AIAcme Awards 2022 in AI Changemaker Leader Awards category
AI Changemaker Leader Awards aims to recognize the contributions of industry and business function leaders with ten and above years of pertinent professional experience in the AI, Analytics & Data Sciences arena and have delivered consistent & successful engagements and scalable business impact through AI & Analytics powered offerings, solutions and platforms or have curated novel approaches impacting change in AI & Analytics across industry segments and business functions. This award category is open to leaders working in GCCs, enterprises, startups, consulting, pure play analytics firms, technology, platform, BPM & Cloud companies.

The SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network team is happy to announce that you are one of the selected AI Ambassadors 2021. Congratulations!
As an AI Ambassador, you are part of a close yet global community that positively impacts the development of AI with collective power. You associate yourself with the values and mission of SwissCognitive, and under its neutral brand, with the following activities, you are ready to engage and drive your community forward into an innovative AI-propelled future:
- Write, share & publish AI news
- Review & recommend your peers
- Advocate for SwissCognitive
- Engage with your AI community
- Advance the AI Ambassador Program